Well, yes. But.
The devil is in the details.

First things first. A standard glass of dry wine contains from 70 to 120 calories.

White wine has less calories. Red wine more.
Still not much. But. There are several other very important things that matter.

Rarely one stops after one glass, so calories easily multiply.
Wine provokes hunger and here we are finishing a plate of fatty cheeses and blaming wine for weight gain.

While processing wine our liver is pretty busy so it stops processing other products like fat. Means fat goes directly to the places where it should not go. And never to the places where it would be more than welcome, like bobbies.

Here are some hints to avoid fattening while drinking wine.
1. Don’t drink before eat. Wine consumed 30 minutes before food, increases appetite.

2. Drink dry red wine. Less sugar and lots of antioxidants.

3. Don’t drink late at night. I know, I know, sounds hard. Well, wine works as carbs in your body so try (at least try) to resist drinking too late.

4. Spend more on a bottle of wine. Here we can kill two birds with one stone. First.
More expensive wine means more quality. Second, is more likely that you’d try to split more expensive wine for at least couple of days instead of finishing it all at once.

5. Don’t drink at home. Better walk to a neighborhood bar and find there a friend or two over a glass of wine.

6. Drink more water. One glass of wine/one glass of water. Thus, you prevent over drinking and loss of water in cells.

Remember, heavy drinking is 3+ drinks for a man and 2+drinks for a woman per day meanwhile people drinking just a glass of red dry wine per day are proven to live longer.
